
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

These Hips

Why do women always seem to have so much muscle tightness and pain in their hips? Sure, there are many physiological explanations: wearing high heels, carrying children, etc. But maybe there is another possible factor involved: we don't show them enough love. In fact, from the time we are barely teenagers, most of us have learned to loathe or at least dislike these parts of our bodies. How many times have you said, “God, I hate my butt!” or “I wish my hips would just go away.”? You know what they say about chocolate: once on the lips, forever on the hips. Maybe the same applies to our words. Every time we say something nasty about a body part, some of that hate gets transferred into the cells of that part in the form of tension, knots and chronic pain.

How do we rectify the situation? By learning to love all of our parts lumps, bumps and cellulite.

Check out this wonderful, empowering poem by Lucille Clifton. Embrace it. Listen to the story of your own hips and let them sing. They are feminine, they are powerful, they are beautiful.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Scoliosis and Postural Therapy

James Clay has written a wealth of valuable information for anyone who is interested in using massage therapy to help alleviate postural problems in children and adolescents. Here is a link to some of the websites I've found so far.

Posture Therapy for Children and Adolescents.

Important information about Scoliosis

Unfortunately, this is an old site and many links are broken.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What Color is Your Personality?

Dr. Ragan over at Psychology of Clutter has posted a link to this quiz. Dr. Ragan is skeptical of the results and asks her readers to try it at compare notes. Are the results accurate? Or are the descriptions so broad that they could fit just about anybody? Here are my results. You decide.

ColorQuiz.comA+Hugle took the free personality test!

"Needs a peaceful environment. Wants release from s..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Get Answers to Medical Questions with Medical Edge Television

Is that natural remedy you've been hearing about safe? Do men have hot flashes? What's the latest treatment for carpal tunnel? Is there any help for this painful plantar faciitis?

The answers to these questions and more are available on Medical Edge Television News from the Mayo Clinic. These videos are informative but easy to comprehend. The range of topics is astounding.

I love the Mayo Clinic's site for looking up medical and drug information. Having this information is handy when discussing issues with your doctor or making choices in the grocery store aisle. This is just one more great feature that allows everyone to take charge of their own well being.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Get Your Game- and Massage On At the Same Time

The Escapist : News : Massage Meets Gaming, Finally!

In the what-will-they-think-of-next category: someone has come up with a suit that acts as a wearable gamepad. The idea is that your buddy can give you a back massage while killing MOBs, stealing cars, and saving the world. The project is called Massage Me and the website offers DIY instructions for those of you who are up to the challenge. Now gamers can experience a level of bonding never before possible.

For the truly addicted gamer there is always this.